Gulliver 2018 Finale | Precious Plastic Den Haag | PPDH

Gulliver Finale 2018

On June 20th we’ll compete against three start-ups for Leiden’s Best Student Entrepreneur 2018 at the Gulliver Finale 2018!! – Keyn (Wouter Segijn) – ONYXIUM (Jelle van Mil) – FASHION SCOUT (Kimberley Aarts) – Precious Plastic Den Haag (Alois van der Bent) The pitches will take place at PLNT Leiden Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Langegracht 70) from 18.30 till 21.30. Feel […]

Het Vizier | Precious Plastic Den Haag PPDH

Doppen inzamelen voor Werk- en Trainingscentrum Het Vizier

Wonen jullie in omgeving Den Haag en sparen jullie doppen? Bij Vijverzicht 99; werk- en trainingscentrum Het Vizier kunnen jullie deze inzamelen! Daar worden ze gesorteerd op kleur en type  om vervolgens door ons (Precious Plastic Den Haag) te worden gerecycled! Ontzettend dankbaar zijn wij met deze helden  Het Vizier is een werk- en trainingscentrum voor […]

Le Slow Tour​ Interview | Precious Plastic Den Haag | PPDH

Le Slow Tour​ Interview

Since one month we are located in the De Besturing. In between the moving, machine building and creating products, Le Slow Tour​ came by our workspace!  As an associative project they want to inspire and promote a responsible lifestyle. The goal? Change the way we consume and think about the city of tomorrow. As a solution for […]

Fossil-free Island Trade Mission | Precious Plastic Den Haag | PPDH

Fossil-free Island Trade Mission Selected

We did it ! In about two weeks we’ll set sail towards the most Northern parts of the Netherlands with one mission: a plastic recycle station on the Wadden Islands ♻! Together with sixteen other sustainability start-ups, Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat, Ministerie Van Landbouw Natuur En Voedselkwaliteit of Denemarken, Duitsland and the Netherlands we’ll travel to the Waddeneilanden during the first fossil-free trade […]

Sea First Beach Clean-up | Precious Plastic Den Haag | PPDH

Sea First Foundation Beach Clean-up Scheveningen

Sunday May 6th there’ll be Beach Clean-up Scheveningen Aloha Surf at Scheveningen, organized by our dear partner Sea First Foundation. We’ll also be there and help wherever we can . At 11.30 we’ll all gather at ALOHA SURF for registration and a cup of coffee or tea. Around 12.00 there’ll be the kick-off and we’ll spread across the beach for the clean-up […]