Sunday 22 April 2018 10am – 4pm we’ll be part of the Zero Waste Expo at Firstsite Colchester: Zero Waste Recycling Expo. The Zero Waste Recycling Expo is the first public event of its kind to inspire and promote the repair, reuse and recycling of all materials to a wider audience – through over 35 engaging exhibitors and local traders that have a focus on the environment.

Britain currently dumps or incinerates around 20 million tonnes of household rubbish each year. This figure is set to double. However, the principle of ‘zero waste’ states that everything we buy is, ultimately, made from materials, which can be repaired, reused or recycled.

RRR is currently working with Colchester council to reduce the amount of white goods sent for disposal. The recycling initiative is attracting lots of interest and could potentially save the council thousands of pounds.

As part of the program, we’ll help with the start of their own shredder! If you live in England, feel free to come by and say hello 

Firstsite Colchester Zero Waste Recycling Expo | Precious Plastic Den Haag | PPDHFirstsite Colchester Zero Waste Recycling Expo | Precious Plastic Den Haag | PPDH


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